Selection of rabbits for breeding:
Selection of Buck: - Buck selection is important or rather more important than doe because it mates with no. Of does and its character will be inherited to many off springs. Apart from individual selection bucks should be selected whose sibs and collateral relatives have good commercial characters.
A buck should be in good physical conditions with well-developed testes and health.
Its growth must be good & should not be fatty.
Best time to select a buck is when they weight 2.8 to 3.0kg. Selection of doe: - young does are to be selected to replace aged does.
A breeding doe should have minimum 8 teats.
It should be in good physical condition, healthy & well grown.
She should have good commercial characters.
They can be best selected when their body weight is around 2 to 3 kg.
Breeding of rabbits:
Inbreeding should be avoided by purchasing/exchanging bucks from other herds. Mating of bucks and doe from different breeds is adopted to improve commercial character of herd.
Patterns of breeding: - There are 3 basic patterns of breeding depending upon the frequency of mating of does and bucks.
1. Extensive breeding: -
In this system backyard rabbitary farmers aim to produce about 4 litter/doe/year.
In this system weaning is carried out at 7 week and mating is done in the week immediately after weaning.
This breeding cycle takes about 85 to 90 days.
2. Semi intensive breeding: -
Rabbits keepers in this system aim to get 5 to 6 litter/doe/year.
Weaning is done at 5 weeks and breeding cycle is completed within 65 to 70 days.
This system is suitable for small commercial rabbitary.
3. Intensive breeding: -
Large commercial rabbitries follow this breeding systems.
In this system weaning is done at 2 weeks.
In the third week from kindling doe is mated and within 45 to 50days breeding cycle is completed.
This system can produce more than 7 litters/doe/year.
It should only be practiced by professionals maintaining skills, quality nutrition and standard management.
Mating of rabbits: -
The sign of oestrus in doe includes red & swollen vulva, restlessness, raising of tail and acceptability of buck.
First mating should be done at 20-24 weeks of age.
For mating doe should be taken to buck cage to avoid fighting in herd.
After successful mating buck falls off to the side with scream.
Breeding and selection for optimum production: -
It depends on the purpose of production i.e. whether rabbits are kept for meat/fur/wool production.
Broiler rabbits: -
Broiler rabbits are reared for meat production.
The main important traits considered during selection are growth, weight, FCR, kindling%, no. Of kindling/year and mortality.
For achieving these objectives maximum weightage is given to weight gain and less mortality.
Approx rabbits should gain 30 to 35gm/day.
Males: -
He should be from known pedigree record.
They should be active, potent and known for producing large litter size.
He should not have any genital abnormalities.
Females: -
They should be prolific, possessing good mothering ability, more no. Of kindling with more no. Of live bunnies borned.
She should weigh around 2 to 2.5 kg at maturity i.e., in 5 to 6 months.
Bunnies should weigh between 300-350 gm.
She should come into heat soon after furrowing.
Wool rabbits: -
Selection is based on wool quality & quantity.
Important wool parameters are fineness of fibre, staple length, modulation, true fibre etc.
Angora (German) produces around 700-800 gm of wool/year with good quality fibre.
Productive features of rabbitry: -
By analyzing the records of productivity features financial status of commercial rabbit unit can be known. The important aspects are-
Pre-weaning & post weaning mortality % should be low.
Interval between 2 litters should be less.
Rate of occupancy of breeding cages should be higher because it indicates fast breeding & production of more litter.
No. Of rabbits produced/ breeding cage /year should be more.
Margin over feed expanse / year should be higher.
Note: - Average achievements of all animals in the unit are more important than higher performance of some individuals from business point of view.
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Common terms related to rabbits.
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